An alphabet for Tom Bates.
This alphabet was made to communicate Tom Bates as a laid back yet sentimental chap.I chose bodoni because of its easy to manipulate serifs.The two words I wanted to concentrate on visually were Contrast and subtlety.But as a person I wanted to communicate tom as Laid back yet sentimental.To me, sentimental means an emotionally delicate thing so I made the serifs more delicate by making them thinner.Laid back is a word that is contrasted by sentimental.Sentimental things you have a place for it and its all tidy and put away safe.Where as laid back means someone who is care free and goes with the flow.With this contrast in mind I made some of the serifs more rounded and emphasised the tails by making them more round.I also gave the "g" more flow by exaggerating the loop.I felt like this didnt communicate Tom himself but more somebody who is laid back yet sentimental.I wanted to hint "Tom" in my alphabet.I remember in the interview I asked him who did he like typogrpahically.He mentioned Si Scott and instantly i painted an image in my head of these care free,flowy swirls which Si is most recognised for.
With these all combined I think I have made a successful alphabet,communicating Tom.

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