Tone of voice is very important when it comes to design. It can com

pletely mislead someone and change the context. If a swear word is written in harsh,bold,heavy type it sends out the message of anger,rage etc but if written in a more "inappropriate" typeface it may make the viewer question the context of the message.
With a phrase such as " get lost " its hard not to think of it in a negative manner. It's used in a rude way and that is what people are used to so they associate " get lost " as " Go away" I was starting to question my message because it may be a harsh way to welcome the first years but looking back at the way I've approached it I think I've managed to soften the blow.

"Using a script font to soften the blow"

I like the layout of this one. The swirls and loops of the "G" loops around and forms the l and it almost looks natural

Although I prefer this one because it sits better to me.

"Text in circle"
The swirls of the "G" follows the natural shape of the circle in which it sits in.
I can see it sitting in websites,blogs etc better and its perfect for stickers.

Colour also has an impact on how we read messages. Harsh colours could give out an angry message so I'm going to use softer colours.

while experimenting with colour I picked this one out because I think the light blue softens the blow yet the grey background also adds a hint of seriousness. I think the other colours I had looked childish and may seem quite patronizing to the audience.